Curl Tricks

Monday, February 16, 2009 |

Curl Tricks

Noticed some good curl usages...Worth copying to one more page on internet.

Original Article :

One of cURL's most useful features is a kind of URL "glob" support, which lets you specify a pattern as part of the URL to match multiple URLs. You can give a character range in brackets, such as [A-Z] or [0-9], and you can also give a list of alternatives in braces, such as {about,blog,news}. The only trick is that if you're saving to files with the -O option, you have to give that option as many times as files you match. For example, suppose you want to grab all three versions of a manual. You'd need a command like:

$ curl -O -O -O{html,pdf,tar.gz}

For HTTP requests, you can specify HTTP 1.1 byte ranges instead of entire files -- if the server has byte ranges enabled, this option returns only the specified bytes instead of the whole file. 0 represents the beginning of the file. For example, to grab the first 100 bytes:

$ curl -r 0-99

Ranges don't have to begin with zero. To get bytes 100 through 200:

$ curl -r 100-200

Negative values alone work from the end of the document. To grab the last eight bytes:

$ curl -r -8

The -i option precedes a given URL by the server headers. Alternately, -I outputs only the headers, which is useful for seeing the OS and Web server software that a specified site is running. It also shows the date and time of the request, content length, and type of the given URL. When the -I option is used on a FILE or FTP URL, you'll get the file size and modification time.

You can upload files by specifying them as arguments to the -T option. It supports the same kind of globbing as the URL argument:

$ curl -T index-{01-99}.html

By default, file uploads are given the same name as the source files, but you can specify a new name by including it in the target URL:

$ curl -T index-mine.html

If you need to specify a username and password, give them as arguments to the -u option, separated by a colon. To upload standard input, use the hyphen as an argument:

$ some-long-pipeline | curl -u bob:secret -T -

Get server metrics

cURL supports built-in runtime variables that you can use to perform ad hoc diagnostics and benchmarking, or to gather statistics about the accessibility of a given URL, site, or server (all times are given in seconds, and all sizes are in bytes):

* content_type: the Content-Type value of the file
* http_code: HTTP(S) code in the page
* http_connect: HTTP code in the proxy response
* num_connects: number of new connections made in the transfer
* num_redirects: number of redirection operations that were made
* size_download: total size of downloaded data
* size_header: total size of the headers
* size_request: total size of the request
* size_upload: total size of uploaded data
* speed_download: average download speed
* speed_upload: average upload speed
* time_connect: time from the start until the remote host connection was made
* time_namelookup: time from the start of the command until name resolution was finished
* time_pretransfer: time from the start until the file transfer was about to begin
* time_redirect: time for all redirection operations
* time_starttransfer: all pretransfer time plus the time needed to calculate the result
* time_total: time for the complete operation (to the millisecond)
* url_effective: the last URL fetched

Output any of these variables with the -w option ("write-out"), giving the variables in the format %{name} as part of a quoted string. You can include any other text as part of that string, and do simple formatting by using \n for a newline or \t for a tab. For example:
$ curl -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null -s

Lookup time: 0.038
Connect time: 0.038
PreXfer time: 0.039
StartXfer time: 0.039

Total time: 0.039

To get the amount of time between when a connection is established and when the data actually begins to be transferred, subtract the value of time_pretransfer from time_starttransfer. You can automate this by sending the output to bc with echo:

$ echo "`curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{time_starttransfer}-%{time_pretransfer}'`"|bc

cURL offers other important options you'll want to use to check for timeouts or to control the transfer speed -- it has more than 100 options in total. By specifying huge URL ranges or calling curl from a loop, you can use the commands to do simple server load testing, or check for various failures by reading the variable output -- and since curl handles forms, you can even use it to test Web application speed.


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